


原作者:Mathilde PORS

11月26日晚,2014年苏州独墅湖科教创新区中外文化嘉年华暨中外学生时装秀在独墅湖影剧院圆满落下帷幕。作为独墅湖科教创新区的品牌活动之一,本届 嘉年华以“梦想舞台”为主题,在为期一个月的时间里,分设“造梦之始”、“逐梦之旅”、“圆梦之夜”三个篇章,通过校园歌手大赛、足球锦标赛、跳蚤市场等 多元丰富的活动,搭建中外学生文化交流平台,营造国际化的区域文化氛围。

本场闭幕式的压轴大戏为SKEMA商学院奢侈品与时尚硕士专业外国留学生为大家带来的“以时尚之名”的中外时装秀。悠扬的音乐声中,外国友人一支精彩绝伦 的独舞迅速将大家引入了时尚与美的世界。主题秀共分为中国∙灵感,法国∙传承,世界∙经典三个篇章,通过中国传统旗袍、法国60年代服饰和高级定制礼服的 展示,充分展现“中国梦、世界型”的精髓。SKEMA商学院的学生们在这里给时尚插上了灵动的翅膀,用一场超凡的时尚秀,为观众呈现出他们对时尚的注脚, 演绎了中国、法国和世界的文化碰撞与时尚融合,以他们的方式向独墅湖和青春致敬!

Florence是SKEMA商学院的一名学生,也是本次活动的组织者。她和我们分享了举办此次活动的感受:“通过举办这次精彩的活动,大家都培养出了出 色的团队协作能力,我也提高了自己对一整个项目的领导能力。由于和中国政府的紧密合作,我们必须根据他们的要求作出灵活的调整。虽然过程中会面临着文化差 异,但我却认为自己从中获益匪浅。看到自己辛勤工作换来的成果,我们都感到很开心和自豪。活动尾声有很多人前来祝贺,这场秀也得到了观众朋友们的喜爱,这 对我们来说是非常棒的经历,我们也很有成就感。”

本次活动约有500人到场参加,列席人员包括苏州政府及其他行政部门人士。某传媒公司主席Jennie Tong表达了对表演的赞赏:“这是场很有情趣的时尚秀,尤其是法国部分,很有法国特色。内容充实精彩!” 此外,很多SKEMA学生也前来给朋友捧场。
本次活动要特别感谢SKEMA的研究生们,也特别鸣谢所有组织人员及对活动的成功举办作出贡献的人员,包括摄像师,DJ,模特,化妆师,等等。活动主要负 责人Perrine,Florence,Sophie,Margaux和Michel展示了高度的专业精神,在此表示祝贺。

SKEMA Business School Suzhou Campus won recently an award from the Suzhou Dushu Lake District for big event organisation thanks to the fashion show organised by students of Master Luxury and Fashion Management. Besides, SKEMA Suzhou won a second award for the good communication work that SKEMA Suzhou achieved during 2014.
Know more about the Fashion show:
‘In the Mood for Mode’ – Fashion show organised by SKEMA students of Luxury and Fashion Management MSc. 

‘Fashion is nothing without elegance, elegance is all about influences
When Chinese shadows turn into French silhouettes,
When both cultures melt into Haute-Couture
It is time to be in the mood… in the mood for Mode’

On Wednesday 26 November, the Luxury and Fashion Management MSc students presented their fashion show in Dushu Lake Theater. A wonderful tribute to Fashion that mixed Chinese and French influences. That night was organised in partnership with Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District Administrative Committee and the Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education Town Administrative Office in the context of the Chinese and Foreign Culture Carnival closing ceremony.
Open by Mae Piga’s dancing performance, the show was divided in three parts. The first one presented traditional Chinese clothes inspired by Wong Kar Wai films, wore by 12 professional Chinese models. The second part colourful and punchy paid a tribute to the French sixties. 10 SKEMA students were present on the stage with the professional models. Finally, the third part shown Haute Couture clothes with the Jusere Collection of evening and wedding dresses. This event is the result of an intense and rigorous work done by the MSc’s students with the support of their professors. 
Florence, SKEMA student and organizer of the event, shared her feelings about their job. ‘This beautiful project was the opportunity to do a great teamwork and to lead a project from the beginning to the end. We closely worked with the Chinese Government, so we had to adapt and to be flexible according to their demands. We also faced the cultural differences, but this was I think the most enriching point for us! We all were really happy and proud to see the result of our work, many people came to congratulate in the end and the audience enjoyed the show. It was a wonderful experience and a huge satisfaction for us!’
About 500 people attended the event in the Theatre in which members of the Government and Suzhou Administration. Jennie Tong, Chairman of Tong Yi Media expressed her appreciation on the show. ‘The fashion show was interesting and the French part was ‘vivant’. The materials were so wonderful!’. SKEMA students were also numerous in the audience to support their friends.
Great thanks to the MSc’s students but also to all organizers and people who helped in the realisation of this show – photographs, DJ, cameramen, models, model dressers etc. Congratulations to Perrine, Florence, Sophie, Margaux and Michel who lead this project with major professionalism.