SKEMA位列福布斯商学院创新创业榜Top 10

近日,福布斯杂志发布了其首个商学院创业创新教育排行榜,在考察的40多所商学院中,SKEMA商学院创业创新教育位列Top 10。


Based on a study of how entrepreneurship is taught in 40 different business schools, Forbes selected just ten of them, including SKEMA, to establish its first ranking.




The criteria measured entrepreneurial success (number of enterprises created by graduates, money raised and the pedagogical importance of entrepreneurship in the curriculum). The careers of SKEMA graduate-entrepreneurs were also taken into account.


福布斯杂志充分肯定了SKEMA商学院丰富的创业课程,更是着重强调了SKEMA的孵化加速体系—SKMEA Ventures(SKEMA全球创业中心)。目前,SKEMA在全球有8家合作孵化器,分布在里尔、巴黎、索菲亚、罗利和苏州。


Forbes highlights SKEMA’s great variety of courses to learn how to be an entrepreneur, its incubation-acceleration system called SKEMA Ventures and its eight incubators in Lille, Paris, Sophia Antipolis, Raleigh, Suzhou.